Tuesday, October 14, 2008


What fun! I love watching my children grow up with their cousins. They are all close in age and have a blast playing together. Here are some cousin pics I recently took...
I love this. Classic "I hate the texture if the grass" shot! "A" has suddenly turned into a little ham. She loved getting her picture taken last weekend.

Wow a shot with 5 of them! And here is "Party Pants" She is such a hoot, just look at her smile....

"H" is our only boy cousin and my boys love going crazy with him! Usually jumping on the bed is the #1 activity of each visit together. We were lucky to recently spend some time in San Diego together. Here are some shots of the craziness...

Thanks for visiting,


1 comment:

Jenny said...

These are all my most precious children and Carrie caught them in her photography perfectly. They are the cutest in the world!